It involves working and networking with a lot of people.
So I end up spending a lot of time on laptop and phone.
My parents feel am addicted to my phone but honestly it’s unavoidable.
It’s a job hazard.
It began with the slight tired feeling in the eyes, which regretfully I ignored.
Later on, it gave me a burning sensation in my eyes and eventually led to redness.
I tried home remedies, some eye drops suggested by family & friends and even visited a few eye doctors.
But somehow the condition didn’t improve.
In fact, I started experiencing it with increasing frequency & intensity.
Apart from the physical pain, the unwanted questions & judgements at social and professional meetings were embarrassing as well.
I really wished there was a cure that would put a stop to all of this.
He had his mother treated for surgery at the same place and was very pleased with the outcome.
I wasn’t so optimistic as I had visited other eye doctors before with no outcome.
But I still wanted the cure. So I visited Global Eye Clinic.
He asked me the right questions.
Truly understood how it was impacting my life and most importantly made me understand the cause of this condition.
I had a lot of queries and he was patient enough to hear and clear those.
He had treated several such cases before, successfully and explained the process in great detail.
I knew exactly what was going to happen & how.
We decided on the date and got the laser procedure done.
It was quick and painless, the part I loved the most.
In addition to that, he prescribed medication for the next 15 days, which I diligently followed.
It’s been 5 months since treatment and I haven’t had the redness or burning sensation yet.
Category : Dry Eye