Dr. Hardik Parikh is Best Eye Surgeon In Mumbai. A few years ago, an MBBS student was exposed to the areas he could choose from. It took him some time to see that seeing matters a lot.
Our eyes function as a camera. When we look at something the image passes through the cornea, adjusted for focus through the lensand displayed on Retina. This is positioned at the back of our eyes and part of our central nervous system. Retina then sends the information to our brain through the optic nerve where the image is processed.
Poor functioning or damage to any of these structures can lead to forever blindness if NOT treated on TIME.
Retinal diseases are difficult to be identified easily because your eyes and vision will appear to be perfect while there is some problem in your retina at back your eyes. Ignored retinal problems might even potentially end up blinded eyes, resulting
Diabetic/High blood pressure patients
Diabetics or high blood pressure could cause problems in blood vessels and circulation of blood in any part of the body. Retina is not an exception. It can make retina to swell and affect its function and make the vision blur. For some patients, new blood vessels form to substitute what were closed due to blood blockages and these tend to beso immature which can result in spontaneously bleeding, possibly ending up in a sudden loss of vision.
Age-related macular degeneration
Aging makes the eyes dry or wet, depending on the person. In wet type, retina at times swells with blood and fluid causing vision problems. It is commonly heard our elders complain about poor eyesight and this is due to such changes.
This is due to the damage in the tiny central point in retina which displays the image. One with dry eye would notice yellowish spots in and around the macula and these are symptoms of weakening tissue. Although dry eye condition is worse than wet eye condition, untreated might bring vision loss.
In wet macular degeneration, new blood cells grow abnormally and start to leak blood or fluid. The effect on retina of a wet eye is faster and disastrous. This condition can be defined in two ways:
Occult – This is when the cell growth is beneath the retina and leakage is less noticeable
Classic – This is when the cell growth is very visible and leakages are observable.
Some people have non-cancerous vascular tumors which could cause retina to swell and blur the vision.
Many methods are available for retinal treatment. We will discuss about Laser surgery and Intra-vitreal injection methods of treating retinal diseases.
Eye surgeons direct a high intensiveray of light to carefully treat selected area of retina or to weld tissues of retina which would help you to recover the lost eyesight due to retinal problems.
One could also experience blurred vision for several days. There is also the possibility of permanent blind spot. In some cases one would need another additional surgery to recover from the complications. However, Retina Specialty Institute further explains that any surgery involves similar risks and you need not worry as most retinal laser surgeries are successful.
Mr. Alex Yuan, MD, PhD, Surgeon retinal disorders says that from his experience the risks include bleeding, glaucoma and need for another surgery. However, considering the fact that untreated retina disease could even lead to total vision loss, it is advisable to do the laser surgery. He further states that laser can be the way to avoid a major surgery at a later time.
In this method, an injection consisting of few selected medications are injected directly into back of the eye aimed at reducing the edema or swelling in retina. This helps in treating the retina tissues and correcting the vision. This is a day care procedure and patient is sent home immediately.
These injections control the leakages from the blood vessels within the eye. They can also stop the growth of abnormal tissues which blocks and blurs the vision. Certain injections function as anti-inflammatory medicine to fight against any infection inside the eye.
Midline Plus lists down the complication of this method as;
According to Bay Area Retina Associate Doctors, the greatest risks associated with this method are infections and tears in retina. They recommend to pay special attention if one experiences heavy eye pain, increasing redness, high sensitivity to eyes, continually blurring vision or abnormal eye discharge.
Further they explain that the probability of one person experiencing the risks and complications is only 1 in 2000 and Intra-vitreal injections are considered safe.